
Monday, July 07, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Glossop Spur costs rise by 54%

Exclusive news courtesy of the Campaign for Better Transport and trailed in today's Guardian. The cost of road schemes are going through the roof, and the Longdendale Bypass - or in this case the Glossop Spur is no exception.

If you read page 3 of this table (opens PDF), you'll see that the original estimated cost of the Glossop Spur was £7.18 million. That's now risen to £11.07 million - a 54% increase since December 2000.

However, worryingly for Roy Oldham and Tameside MBC, the currently agreed Department for Transport contribution remains at £7.18 million.

How will Roy & Co. find the money in these times of Financial crisis?

1 comment:

Tameside Eye said...

He will find a way - he always does. If it means he doesn't have to pay £800k a year fighting for a bypass, it will be presented as a "saving".

There is no economic crisis in the public sector. It is all spend! spend! spend! and when it comes to the end of the year it is all tax! tax! tax!